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False scad (Caranx rhonchus)

Fish of the Caranx genus of the subfamily Caranginae of the Carangidae family of the superfamily Percoidea of the Perciformes order of the Acanthopterygii superorder.

Caranx rhonchus

(False scad. Photo © armacao.exblog.jp)

False scad (Caranx rhonchus) was first described in 1817 by the French zoologist Étienne Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire (1772-1844).

It inhabits the depth of 30-200 meters. It is a schooling species. It enters the bays and estuaries. The maximum recorded length is 60 cm, usually about 35 cm. The maximum weight is 1 kg. It feeds on small fish and invertebrates.

Caranx rhonchus 2

(False scad. Photo by © Achille De Sanctis. fishbase.org)

It has recently appeared in the Adriatic Sea and at the moment it’s a permanent inhabitant of the sea.

Names of false scad (Caranx rhonchus) in other languages as follows:

Πρασινοκοκάλι (Prasinokokali) (Greek), Zninit (Hebrew), Macarela real (Spanish), Carango ronco (Italian), Gestreifter Stöcker (German), Karanks chropik (Polish), Charro-molar (Portuguese), Африканский каранкс (Afrikanskij caranx) (Russian), Falši šarun, Falši sarun, falšun (Serbian, Croatian), Rumeni trnobok (Slovenian), Comète coussut (French).