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White trevally (Pseudocaranx dentex)

Fish of the Pseudocaranx genus of the subfamily Caranginae of the Carangidae family of the superfamily Percoidea of the Perciformes order of the Acanthopterygii superorder.

Pseudocaranx dentex

(White trevally. Photo by © Maeng Jin Kim and Choon Bok Song. Korean Journal Of Ichthyology Vol. 26, No. 4, 340-344, December 2014)

White trevally or striped jack (Pseudocaranx dentex) was first described in 1801 by the German naturalists Johann Gottlob Theaenus Schneider (1750-1822) and Marcus Elieser Bloch (1723-1799).

It inhabits the depth of 10-238 meters, usually 10-25 meters. It is coastal schooling species. It often enters the bays and estuaries, prefers to swim close to the irregular, often rocky bottom. The maximum recorded length is 122 cm; specimens up to 40 cm long are more common. The maximum weight is 18.1 kilograms. It feeds on fish, mollusks and crustaceans.

Pseudocaranx dentex 2

(White trevally. Photo by © John E. Randall. fishbase.org)

It is a rare inhabitant of the Adriatic Sea.

Names of white trevally (Pseudocaranx dentex) in other languages as follows:

Nieuwzeelandse horsmakreel (Dutch), Κοκάλι (Kokali) (Greek), Jurel dentón (Spanish), Carango dentice (Italian), Zahn-Makrele (German), Karanks nowozelandzki (Polish), Xareu-bicudo (Portuguese), Зубатый каранкс (Zubastyj caranx) (Russian), Šnjurak, Trnobokan plosac (Serbian, Croatian), Carangue dentue (French).