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Phaeton dragonet (Synchiropus phaeton)

Fish of the Synchiropus genus of the Callionymidae (dragonets) family of the suborder Callionymoidei of the Perciformes order of the Acanthopterygii superorder.

Synchiropus phaeton

(Phaeton dragonet. Photo by © Fabio Crocetta. fishbase.org)

Phaeton dragonet (Synchiropus phaeton) was first described in 1861 by the German zoologist Albert Günther (Albert Karl Ludwig Gotthelf Günther, 1830-1914).

It inhabits the depth of 80-850 meters. It dwells near a sandy and silty bottom. The maximum recorded length is 12 cm, specimens up to 8 cm long are more common. It feeds on small benthic invertebrates.

Synchiropus phaeton 2

(Phaeton dragonet. Photo by © Jo Langeneck. commons.wikimedia.org)

It is a rare inhabitant of the southern part of the Adriatic Sea.

Names of Phaeton dragonet (Synchiropus phaeton) in other languages as follows:

Καλλιώνυμος μάκρουρος (Kallionymos makruros) (Greek), Lagarto rojo (Spanish), Dragoncello rosa (Italian), Sonnen-Mandarinfisch (German), Peixe-pau-rosa (Portuguese), Mišić dubinski, Mišić dubinčić (Serbian, Croatian), Dragonet de Phaeton (French).