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Plain bonito (Orcynopsis unicolor)

Fish of the Sarda genus of the tribe Sardini (bonitos) of the subfamily Scombrinae of the Scombridae family of the Scombroidei suborder of the Scombriformes order of the Percomorpha clade of the Acanthopterygii superorder.

Orcynopsis unicolor 2

(Plain bonito. Photo © oppdagfisk.blogspot.com)

Plain bonito (Orcynopsis unicolor) was first described in 1817 by the French zoologist Étienne Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire (1772-1844).

It is a pelagic schooling species. The maximum recorded length is 130 cm, specimens up to 90 cm long are more common. The maximum weight is 13,1 kilograms. It feeds on small fish.

Orcynopsis unicolor

(Plain bonito. Photo by © Trevor Meyer. fishbase.org)

It is a rare inhabitant of the Adriatic Sea.

Names of plain bonito (Orcynopsis unicolor) in other languages as follows:

Ongestreepte bonito (Dutch), Ορκυνοπαλαμίδα (Orkinopaljamida) (Greek), Tasarte (Spanish), Palamita bianca (Italian), Ungestreifter Pelamide (German), Orcyn (Polish), Palometa (Portuguese), Одноцветный бонито (Odnocvetnyj bonito) (Russian), Pastirica atlantska (Serbian, Croatian), Akpalamut balığı (Turkish), Palomette (French).