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Bellottia apoda

Fish of the Bellottia genus of the subfamily Bythitinae of the Bythitidae (viviparous brotulas) family of the Ophidiiformes order of the Acanthopterygii superorder.


(Bellottia apoda. Photo by © Jørgen G. Nielsen, Steve W. Ross, Daniel M. Cohen. Atlantic Occurrence Of The Genus Bellottia (Teleostei, Bythitidae) With Two New Species From The Western North Atlantic. researchgate.net)

Bellottia apoda was first described in 1883 by the Italian zoologist and anthropologist Enrico Hillyer Giglioli (1845-1909).

It inhabits the depths of 30-569 meters. The maximum recorded length is 6.5 cm. It feeds on zooplankton.

It was found several times in the Adriatic Sea. It’s a rare understudied species.

Names of Bellottia apoda in other languages as follows:

Brуtola coja (Spanish), Brotola apoda (Italian), Bellottia (German), Бесплавниковая беллоттия (Besplavnikovaja bellottiya) (Russian), Tabinjčić, Tabinjčić beznožni (Serbian, Croatian).