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Giant goby (Gobius cobitis)

Fish of the Gobius genus of the Gobiinae (true gobies) subfamily of the Gobiidae family of the Gobiiformes order of the Percomorpha clade of the Acanthopterygii superorder.

Gobius cobitis 2

(Giant goby. Photo by © Michelle Stuart. fishtanksandponds.co.uk)

Giant goby (Gobius cobitis) was first described in 1810 by the Prussian and Russian naturalist and traveler Peter Simon Pallas (1741-1811).

It inhabits at depths of up to 35 meters. It dwells near a stony bottom, overgrown with aquatic vegetation, and often occurs near river mouths. The maximum recorded length is 27 cm. It feeds on crustaceans, worms, and small fish.

Gobius cobitis 3

(Giant goby. Photo © tokaiki.net)

It is a permanent inhabitant of the Adriatic Sea.

Names of giant goby (Gobius cobitis) in other languages as follows:

Burdullaku (Albanian), Змиевидно попче (Zmievidno Popche) (Bulgarian), Χοντρογωβιός (Hondrogovios) (Greek), Gobito de roca (Spanish), Ghiozzo testone (Italian), Große Meergrundel (German), Babka olbrzymia (Polish), Caboz-cabeçudo (Portuguese), Guvid gigant (Romanian), Бычоккругляш (Bychokkrugljash) (Russian), Gujoč pločar, Glavoč pločar (Serbian, Croatian), Gobie céphalote (French).