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Cadenat’s rockfish (Scorpaena loppei)

Fish of the Scorpaena genus of the Scorpaenidae (scorpionfishes) family of the suborder Scorpaenoidei of the Scorpaeniformes order of the Acanthopterygii superorder.

Scorpaena loppei 2

(Cadenat’s rockfish. Photo © reservasmarinas.net)

Cadenat’s rockfish (Scorpaena loppei) was first described in 1943 by the French ichthyologist Jean Caden (1908-1992).

It inhabits the depth of 50-200 meters, prefers to swim close to the sandy, oozy and pebbly bottom. The maximum recorded length is 15 cm, specimens up to 10 cm long are more common. It feeds on crustaceans.

Scorpaena loppei

(Cadenat’s rockfish. Photo by © Ricardo R. Fdez. asturnatura.com)

It was found several times in the southern part of the Adriatic Sea. It is a rare species.

The spines of the dorsal fin contain venom, which causes severe pain when pricking, and major complications are possible. The venom disintegrates by heat treatment.

Names of Cadenat’s rockfish (Scorpaena loppei) in other languages as follows:

Σκορπιός Kαντενά (Skorpios Kandena) (Greek), Rascacio de Cadenat (Spanish), Scorfanetto carenato (Italian), Zwergdrachenkopf (German), Bodeč mali (Sebian, Croatian), Rascasse de Cadenat (French).