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Coregonus macrophthalmus

Fish of the Coregonus (whitefishes) genus of the Coregoninae subfamily of the Salmonidae family of the Salmoniformes order of the Protacanthopterygii superorder.

(Coregonus macrophthalmus. Photo by © M. Kottelat, J. Freyhof. ittiofauna.org)

Coregonus macrophthalmus was first described in 1882 by the German zoologist and forester Otto Nüsslin (1850 – 1915). It’s a pelagic species. The recorded maximum length is 30 cm. It feeds on zooplankton and insects.

Initially, it’s the endemic of Lake Constance (Austria, Germany, Switzerland). It was released and now inhabits the following lakes: the Como (Lario), Maggiore and other water bodies of northern Italy.

Names of Coregonus macrophthalmus in other languages are as follows:

Gangfisch (German), Bondella, Сoregone bianco (Italian).