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Rhône trout (Salmo rhodanensis)

Fish of the Salmo genus of the Salmoninae subfamily of the Salmonidae family of the Salmoniformes order of the Protacanthopterygii superorder.

(Rhône trout. Photo by © M. Kottelat, J. Freyhof. ittiofauna.org)

Rhône trout (Salmo rhodanensis) was first described in 1974 by the biologist Fowler. The recorded maximum length is 80 cm. It feeds on invertebrates, fishes and amphibians.

It’s a rare species, inhabiting the Rhône River (France, Switzerland) and its tributaries (Italy, France, Switzerland).

Names of Rhône trout (Salmo rhodanensis) in other languages are as follows:

Trota del fiume Rodano (Italian), Trucha del Ródano (Spanish).