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Huchen (Hucho hucho)

Fish of the Hucho genus of the Salmoninae subfamily of the Salmonidae family of the Salmoniformes order of the Protacanthopterygii superorder.

(Huchen. Photo by © Liquid Art. wikipedia.org)

Huchen (Hucho hucho) was first described in 1758 by the Swedish scientist Carl Linnaeus (1707 – 1778). It inhabits fast-flowing rivers and oxygenated water. It prefers to swim in deep areas with calmer water. The recorded maximum length is 150 cm. Specimens up to 70 cm long are more common. The maximum weight is 52 kilograms. Juveniles feed on invertebrates. Full-grown fish feed on fishes, as well as amphibians, reptiles, small mammals and waterfowl.

(Huchen. Photo by © Andreas Hart. balkanrivers.net)

It inhabits submontane and mountain rivers of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia, Montenegro and Croatia. Attempts of acclimatization have been made in Italy.

It is listed in IUCN Red List as an endangered species (EN).

Names of huchen (Hucho hucho) in other languages are as follows:

Дунавска пъстърва (Dunavska pistirva) (Bulgarian), Dunai galóca (Hungarian), Donauzalm (Dutch), Salmone del Danubio (Italian), Salmón del Danubio (Spanish), Huchen, Donaulachs (German), Głowacica (Polish), Salmão-do-danúbio (Portuguese), Lostriță (Romanian), Дунайский лосось (Dunajskij lososj) (Russian), Mladica (Serbian, Croatian), Glavatica (Croatian), Sulec (Slovenian), Huchon (French), Hlavatka obecná, Hlavatka podunajská (Czech).