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Mediterranean bigeye rockling (Gaidropsarus biscayensis)

Fish of the Gaidropsarus genus of the Lotidae (lings, or rocklings) family of the Gadiformes order of the Paracanthopterygii superorder.

Gaidropsarus biscayensis

(Mediterranean bigeye rockling. Photo by © Mariano García Rodriguez. fishbase.org)

Mediterranean bigeye rockling (Gaidropsarus biscayensis) was first described in 1890 by the Norwegian zoologist Robert Collett (1842-1913).

It inhabits the depths of 80-600 meters. The maximum recorded length is 40 cm; specimens about 12 cm long are more common. It swims near the muddy bottom and bottom with coquina and coral. It feeds on crustaceans.

It is found in the southern part of the Adriatic Sea. It is a rare species.

Names of Mediterranean bigeye rockling (Gaidropsarus biscayensis) in other languages are as follows:

Motele (Albanian), Χέλισσα (Helissa) (Greek), Barbada (Spanish), Motella di fondale (Italian), Biskaya-Quappe (German), Ugorova majka zubuša (Croatian, Serbian), Motelle (French).