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Benthocometes robustus

Fish of the Benthocometes genus of the subfamily Neobythitinae of the Ophidiidae (brotulas, or cusk-eels) family of the Ophidiiformes order of the Acanthopterygii superorder.

Benthocometes robustus

(Benthocometes robustus. Photo © DOP-University of the Azores. boldsystems.org)

Benthocometes robustus was first described in 1886 by the American ichthyologists George Brown Goode (1851-1896) and Tarleton Hoffman Bean (1846-1916).

It inhabits the depths of 500-1,000 meters. The maximum recorded length is 15 cm.

Benthocometes robustus 2

(Benthocometes robustus. Photo © DOP-University of the Azores. boldsystems.org)

It’s a rare inhabitant of the Adriatic Sea, which is more often found in its southern part. It’s an understudied species.

Names of Benthocometes robustus in other languages as follows:

Brotola gialla (Italian), Robuste Brotula (German), Бентокометес (Bentokometes) (Russian), Tabinjčić bodljaš, Huj bodljaš (Serbian, Croatian), Fanfre jaune (French).