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Balkan brook trout (Salmo farioides)

Fish of the Salmo genus of the Salmoninae subfamily of the Salmonidae family of the Salmoniformes order of the Protacanthopterygii superorder.

(Balkan brook trout. Photo by © B. Delling. ittiofauna.org)

Balkan brook trout (Salmo farioides) was first described in 1938 by the Macedonian biologist Stanko L. Karaman (1889 – 1959). It inhabits small fast-flowing rivers, oxygenated water. The recorded maximum length is 30 cm. It feeds mainly on bottom invertebrates. It may be a hybrid of native inhabitants of rivers.

It’s a rare inhabitant of the rivers of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Italy, Croatia and Montenegro.

Names of Balkan brook trout (Salmo farioides) in other languages are as follows:

Trofta e Drinit (Albanian), Trota di torrente dei Balcani (Italian), Радичка, Mавровска пастрмка (Radichka, Mavrovska pastrmka) (Macedonian), Primorska pastrmka (Serbian),Primorska pastrva (Croatian).